Penne Alfredo with Bacon and Sundried Tomato Ingredients

Penne Alfredo with Bacon and Sundried Tomato Ingredients

á tráditionál álfredo sáuce áctuálly doesn’t involve creám. In fáct it’s creámy texture comes from án emulsion of butter, cheese ánd pástá wáter. á clássic álfredo álso uses Fettuccine.

My álfredo? Well, it certáinly máy not be tráditionál, but my god it’s tásty.By ádding in some crispy bácon, some gorgeously rich sundried tomátoes, á blást of gárlic ánd á sprinkle of fresh básil, you end up with something thát’s truly bursting with flávour.

So forget whát you knew ábout penne álfredo ánd follow me on á journey of deliciousness!

  1. 10.6 oz (300g) Penne Pástá
  2. 1 1/4 cups (300ml) Heávy Creám
  3. 2 tbsp Unsálted Butter
  4. 5 oz (150g) Streáky Bácon, chopped
  5. 1/2 cup (50g) Pármesán, gráted (sáve some to sprinkle on top)
  6. 3/4 cup (75g) Sundried Tomáto, sliced
  7. 1 tsp Gárlic, minced
  8. Hándful of Fresh Básil, chopped (sáve some to sprinkle on top)
  9. Sált & Crácked Bláck Pepper, to táste


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