10 Attitudes That Every Wife Needs To Keep Her Husband Happy

10 Attitudes That Every Wife Needs To Keep Her Husband Happy

Women, it is our job to build up our marriage..
The Lord gives us big responsibilities that need to be taken seriously if we want to have a strong, lasting marriage.
Now, I am not saying that the whole weight falls on to the wife’s shoulders, but to be honest, a lot of it does – (Personally, I think that The Lord knows women are stronger 😉..whatever motivates me, right?).
There are so many scriptures in The Bible that give us, women, direction on how we need to behave. It is our job to study them, to keep them in our heart, and most importantly, to obey them.
Now, believe me, I know at times it can seem hard and unfair.. Our husbands can just keep being them, and we’re the ones who have to change??.. kind of seems crazy, right? Well, the world will tell you it is. They will tell us that we should only try when our husbands begin to try, and we should only be loving wives when our husbands deserve to have one.. But God, well, He tells us differently. Our husbands are slacking on their duties, the words coming out of their mouth are beginning to sound less and less like love, and on most days, they seem miles away.. But even so, The Lord tells us, “love him, anyway”.

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.– Colossians 3:17

You see, loving our husbands in those moments where maybe they don’t really deserve it, is really less about them, and more about Jesus. The Lord doesn’t say be obedient when the mood strikes, when the stars align, or when everyone else is behaving as they should, nope, He tells us to obey at ALL times.
As women, it is our role to be our husband’s help mate, this is the reason that we were created. We are to be supportive, and kind, and nurturing. When our husbands go out into the world, they are faced with so many challenges, and so many temptations, we need to be their safe place, a shelter from the pressure and the judgment.
Is it always easy to love unconditionally? No, it’s really not. Is it always easy to forget about how they’re not measuring up on the husband scale, and keep on trying our best, anyways? Nope. But, sisters, I know without an ounce of doubt, it is so worth it! I know that if we do our part, The Lord will bless us and our families in more ways than we can imagine.
The most famous scripture describing a godly woman is Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Woman. It is a wonderful, encouraging chapter, but because it has been talked about quite a bit, I thought I would refer to some of the lesser known scriptures.
So, here are 10 attitudes that every godly, righteous woman must have in order to keep her husband happy, and her marriage strong.

1. Do Not Be A Nag

It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.
 Proverbs 21:19

No tiptoeing around the point here. Ladies, it is better for our husbands to go live in a shack in the woods then to have to be around us when we nag. Yeesh, harsh, right? But so very true! I know for me, nagging is my specialty, it’s my go-to move when my husband is not performing at my standards. But have you ever taken a moment to listen to yourself nag? I have, and honestly, I don’t blame my husband for wanting to get out of the house for a while.  It’s annoying, it’s irritating, and it’s all around discouraging. Yes, our husbands should keep up with their roles, but nagging is not the way to inspire them to. Nagging will just push them further away, and probably even make them want to try less.
Instead, let’s be wise. Let’s learn to speak with soft words, and to offer (not force) encouraging direction. It is not our job to mold our husbands into the perfect man, it is our job to use our words to encourage them.

2. Be Slow To Anger

 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.
– Proverbs 16:32

I know that this one seems only directed at the men, but really, it’s for us too.
Has your husband ever said something that instantly provoked you to respond with an angry remark? I know it’s happened to me a time or two, and you know, maybe in a logical, worldly sense, it was justified, but in the Spirit, it is never justified.
 Really listen, make sure that you are actually hearing what they said, and not just what your emotions believe they said. A lot of the time, we react to something we thought was intended to offend, when in reality, it was just a harmless remark.
We need to be slow to anger, and learn to control our emotions. More times than I can count, I have let my emotions dictate what comes out of my mouth, and really, what came out, certainly wasn’t godly. But a wise woman, she knows how to choose her words wisely. She keeps her mouth shut, even when every part of her wants to explode.
Believe me, getting angry, and running your mouth doesn’t fix anything. It may feel satisfying in that moment, but that quickly fades, and all that is left is a bigger wall between you and your husband.

3. Do Not Be Argumentative.

It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house. 
-Proverbs 25:24

It looks like Solomon was another man that liked to run into the bathroom or garage to get a way from his yelling wife.
Don’t argue just to argue. Don’t always insist on proving your point, or on getting your way. We’ve all done it, probably a lot more than we care to say, but we need to quit the nonsense. Yes, I’m sure 98% of the time, we were right (wink wink), but honestly, who cares? There’s no bonus or trophy given to the person who can yell the loudest or argue the longest. The Lord won’t bless us for “winning” the battle with our spouse, no, He’ll bless us for showing grace, humility, and kindness.
We may have every reason in the world to argue or to pick a fight with our husbands, but trust that there won’t ever be a reason good enough in the eyes of The Lord to justify it. Let’s learn to keep our pride out of our marriage.

4. Be Submissive

 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.-Ephesians 5:22

Learning to be submissive is not an easy task in a society that idolizes the independent woman, and ridicules the obedient wife. Continuously, we are being told to “do it our own way”, to “not let a man control us”, and to “do all that we can to be equal with them”. Well, the reality is, we’re not equal. Now, I am not saying we are lesser beings, but we are different, and we were created for different reasons.
We are meant to be a support to our husbands. We are not meant to reign superior over them, but to come alongside them as their help mate. We are called to obey our husbands, and to submit to their decisions. Does that mean we don’t ever get an opinion or a say? No, we are allowed to offer our opinions and our advice, but our husbands have the final say.
I know that this command can stir up a lot of emotion. It’s not easy to give the control over to someone else, we all struggle with that in one way or another, but that’s where trust comes in.. not only trust in your husband but more than that, trust in The Lord.

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