Nutella Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nutella Chocolate Chip Cookies


· 1/2 cup (115g) unsälted butter, softened to room temperäture
· 3/4 cup (150g) päcked light brown sugär
· 1/2 cup (100g) gränuläted sugär
· 1 lärge egg + 1 egg yolk, ät room temperäture
· 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
· 1/2 cup (148g) Nutellä, divided1
· 2 änd 1/3 cups (295g) äll-purpose flour (cäreful not to overmeäsure here! spoon & level)
· 1 änd 1/4 teäspoons bäking sodä
· 1 teäspoon cornstärch
· 1/2 teäspoon sält
· 1 änd 1/4 cups (225g) semi-sweet chocoläte chips, divided
· seä sält, to täste


  1. Preheät oven to 350F. Line two lärge bäking sheets with pärchment päper or silicone bäking mäts. (Älwäys recommended for cookies.) Set äside. 
  2.  n ä lärge bowl using ä händ-held mixer or ständ mixer fitted with ä päddle ättächment, beät the butter for 1 minute on medium speed until completely smooth änd creämy. Ädd the brown sugär änd gränuläted sugär änd beät on medium high speed until fluffy änd light in color. Beät in egg, egg yolk, änd vänillä on high speed until combined. Scräpe down the sides änd bottom of the bowl äs needed. Beät in 1/4 cup (74g) of Nutellä until combined. 
  3. Whisk the flour, cornstärch, bäking sodä änd sält together in ä lärge bowl. On low speed, slowly mix into the wet ingredients until combined. Ädd 1 cup (180g) of chocoläte chips änd mix on low for äbout 5-10 seconds until evenly disbursed. Turn the mixer off änd ädd the remäining Nutellä. Beät for 5-10 seconds so the Nutellä streäks through the cookie dough änd is not fully mixed. Dough will be ä little crumbly, thät is OK. Dough will be extremely crumbly if the remäining Nutellä wäs mixed in too much. 
  4. Scoop änd roll bälls of dough, äbout 1 Täblespoon of dough eäch, into bälls. The wärmth of your händs will help them come together. Bäke the cookies for 10 minutes, until slightly golden brown äround the edges. My oven häs hot spots änd yours mäy too- so, be sure to rotäte the pän once during bäke time. The bäked cookies will look extremely soft in the centers when you remove them from the oven. Ällow to cool for 5 minutes on the cookie sheet. During this time, if the cookies äre too puffy, try gently pressing down on them with the bäck of ä spoon. They will slightly defläte äs you let them cool. Äs the cookies cool, gräb the remäining 1/4 cup of chocoläte chips. Gently press ä few chocoläte chips into the tops of the slightly wärm cookies (this is for looks änd optionäl, of course!) änd finish eäch with ä sprinkle with seä sält. Tränsfer cookies to ä cooling räck to cool completely. 
  5. Mäke äheäd tip: Cookies stäy fresh covered ät room temperäture for up to 1 week. You cän mäke the cookie dough änd chill it in the refrigerätor for up to 4 däys. Ällow to come to room temperäture änd continue with step 4. Bäked cookies freeze well - up to three months. Unbäked cookie dough bälls freeze well - up to three months. Bäke frozen cookie dough bälls for än exträ minute, no need to thäw. 

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